It doesn’t happend every day, but there are occasionally reasons to use random data, or even random sequences of data. PostgreSQL, “The World’s Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database” allows to generate random data in a lot of different ways. While I was preparing the new version and sample data for our recommendation system RecommenderPro I was using PostgreSQL to create some (a lot) of anonimized data to demonstrate the functionality of the product, hence the idea of this post.
RAD Studio 11.3 Alexandria has been release on feb 27th 2023, about a week ago. I’m in the middle of a quite complex R&D consultancy involved in developing new Delphi software and evolve a big Delphi based system running in 3 continents in thousand of “places” and I started to use 11.
3rd and 4th nov 2022, in Rome, there will be the European Delphi Conference you love… ITDevCon!
This year I’m going to held 3 speeches with different topics. Here’s a short summary of the speeches and some notes about them.
Python4Delphi: from Zero to Hero In this talk we are going to see how to effectively use Python4Delphi in our Delphi application.
Yes, RAD Studio 11.2 Alexandria is finally out - now we can talk about it :-) This new release builds on the feature set of 11.x, enhancing existing features throughout the product. I this release we’ll not find some huge new features, but while 11.1 was primarily focused on quality, this new release will have a mix of features and fixes.
Yes! It’s finally summer time - time for beach, mountain or whatherver you like to do during holidays. Usually in summer you want somthing to read - why don’t use this relaxed time to improve your knowledge? Do you like spy stories? Crime? Detective stories? I cannot provide you nothing (so far…) but if you want to improve your knoledge about DMVCFramework, the most popular Open-Source RESTful framework for Delphi, you are in the right place.
ITDevCon 2022 is coming! We’re back! After 2 editions skipped due to the pandemic, ITDevCon, the richest European conference on Delphi and related technologies, is scheduled for November 3rd and 4th 2022. ITDevCon will be held at the bit Time group headquarter in Rome!
This will be the 11th conference edition and will be organized, as usual, by bit Time Professionals, part of bit Time Group.
In a few of hours I’ll present the new RAD Studio 11 Alexandria to the italian Delphi and C++Builder developers community (register page here). Even if it’s only an on-line meeting due to the pandemic, it’s always a nice event where we can talk together about the new features introduced in the tools we use (and, most of the time, love).
It takes more than I expected, but finally the reference guide for DMVCFramework is finally available as hardcopy on Lulu.
The book content is the same of the last e-Book version, so it is targeted to the current stable version dmvcframework-3.2.1-carbon. I was thinking to wait to publish the hardcopy version until the new dmvcframework-3.
Yes, RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is finally out - now we can talk about it :-) This new release builds on the feature set of 10.4.x, enhancing existing features throughout the product. However it adds some notable features for all the feature set.
Starting from the (IMHO) nicer new splash screen - clean, polished with red on grey.
The spanish version of “DMVCFramework - the official guide” is available. Currently the translation is completed at 80%, however using the “incremental publishing” offered by LeanPub, you can buy the book before the completition and get all the updates that will be available in the future. As already happens with the english and the portuguese versions, there will be updates even after the completition because the framework, obviously, is evolving.