Back in 2016, I embarked on a small experiment: I started developing a simple template language. At the time, I was going through a “funny phase,” and my intention wasn’t to build a full-fledged template language. It was more of a personal challenge, an exploration with no clear end goal in sight.
We’re back! ITDevCon, the richest European conference on Delphi and related technologies, is scheduled for November 14th and 15th 2024. ITDevCon will be held at the bit Time group headquarter in Rome!
This will be the 13th conference edition and will be organized, as usual, by bit Time Professionals and bit Time Software.
Kanban boards are vital tools in agile project management, providing a visual representation of work flow. However, one common mistake is the use of a “Blocked” column. This practice can lead to inefficiencies, mismanagement, and extended lead times, which undermines the effectiveness of the Kanban system.
Understanding the Kanban Board Kanban boards typically consist of columns representing different stages of a workflow, such as “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done.
In the realm of data management, two terms often come up: data lake and data warehouse. Both are essential tools for storing and analyzing data, but they serve different purposes and are suited to different types of data and business needs. Let’s delve into what each one is and highlight their key differences.
▶️ 2° blog update 2024/06/19
▶️ 1° blog update 2024/05/31
👉 DelphiMVCFramework 3.4.2-magnesium-rc2 is out!
Considering the amount of new features contained in this version, I decided to publish a RELEASE CANDIDATE version; 2 so far.
👉 This video has been initially published as PREMIUM content reserved to PATREON supporters. If you want to support DMVCFramework and access to articles, tutorials and video like this one, consider to become a supporter.
In this introductory video, we’ll dive into the world of DMVCFramework, a powerful and versatile tool for building modern web applications.
La edición de mayo de 2024 del MVP Tour pasará por Valencia, Castellón, Alicante y Madrid: ¡optimiza tus proyectos con soluciones tecnológicas a medida!
🔔¿Estás en el área del tour y te gustaría que te visiten? Envíanos un correo electrónico y veremos si podemos encontrar un momento para reunirnos.
Mañana iniciaremos un tour por la región para visitarlos y conocer de primera mano sus necesidades tecnológicas.
ITDevCon SE 2024 si sta avvicinando. ITDevCon rappresenta un punto di riferimento per la comunità di sviluppatori Delphi italiano e non. Quest’anno terrò due interventi focalizzati sugli algoritmi genetici e sulle loro applicazioni innovative in Delphi (avrò un altro talk su DMVCFramework e le “strabordanti” nuove feature presenti nella versione 3.
Vuoi diventare protagonista del più grande evento italiano sull’innovazione tecnologica relativa a Delphi? È il momento giusto: è aperto il call for paper per ITDevCon Spring Edition 2024!
Come anticipato nella nuova newsletter “Delphi Bites” (clicca qui per iscriverti), siamo infatti pronti a dar vita a ITDevCon 2024 Spring Edition: la conferenza tutta italiana dedicata all’innovazione tecnologica relativa a Delphi e alle tecnologie a esso collegate.
In the realm of databases, PostgreSQL stands out for its adaptability and the plethora of features it offers, especially when it comes to handling textual data. An often underappreciated gem in this context is the pg_trgm extension.
What is pg_trgm? pg_trgm is a PostgreSQL extension that provides functionality for determining the similarity between text strings and improving text searches.